{% load rmtmgmt_tags %} {% load rolemgmt_tags %}
Client Name | Requirement ID | Group Name | Position | Skills | Manager | Experience | Selections / Total Positions | Position Status | Created Date | Action | |
{% with r.id|req_age as req_age %}
{{ r.get_position_status_display }}
{% if r.today_tag and r.position_status != 4%}
{% elif r.position_status != 4 %}
{% endif %}
{% with r.id|req_style_check as req_style_check %}
{% if req_style_check == 1 %}
{{ r.client }} | {{ r.client_requirement_id }} | {{ r.name }} | {{ r.position_name }} |
{% for skill in r|get_skill_p_levels %}
{{ skill.skill.skill_name }} - {{ skill.proficiency_level.level }} {% empty %} {{ r.skills }} {% endfor %} |
{{ r.manager }} | {{ r.min_exp }} | {{ r.id|selections }} / {{ r.open_position }} | {{ r.created_on }} | Edit | View |