{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load vmo_tags %} {% block midpart %}


{% for contractor in contractor_obj%} {% endfor %}
Consultants Summary TimeSheet Hiring/Reporting Manager Group Joining Date PO Validity Overall Experience Experience In WD {{ current_month_year }} (Current Month) {{ last_month_year }} (Previous Month)
{{contractor.name}} {{ contractor.hiring_manager }}/{{ contractor.reporting_manager }} {{ contractor.group }} {{ contractor.joining_date|date:'d M Y' }} {{contractor.po.validity}} Months {{contractor.current_experience}} {{contractor.wd_experience}} Years {% with contractor.id|get_total_days:filter_current_month as total_days %} {% if total_days %} {{ total_days }} ? {% if current_month|show_approve_tag:current_year %} {% if contractor.id|get_timesheet_approval_status:filter_current_month == True %} {% endif %}
{% with contractor.id|get_timesheet_approval_status:filter_current_month as tag %} {% if tag == 'NA'%} {% elif tag %}

Approved on {{ contractor.id|get_approved_date:filter_current_month|date:'d M Y H:m' }}

{% else %} {% if contractor.id|timesheet_grace_tag:filter_current_month %} 👍 {% else %} 👍 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% endif %} {% else %} NA {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% with contractor.id|get_total_days:filter_last_month as total_days %} {% if total_days %} {{ total_days }} ? {% if contractor.id|get_timesheet_approval_status:filter_last_month == True %} {% endif %}
{% with contractor.id|get_timesheet_approval_status:filter_last_month as tag %} {% if tag == 'NA' %} {% elif tag %}

Approved on {{ contractor.id|get_approved_date:filter_last_month|date:'d M Y H:i' }}

{% else %} {% if contractor.id|timesheet_grace_tag:filter_last_month %} 👍 {% else %} 👍 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% else %} NA {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% include "js.html" %} {% endblock midpart %}